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Support during home schooling

So you are in the midst of home schooling, how is it all going? Some feedback we have received is that it’s been a learning curve for all, especially if you have multiple children to manage, as well as your own work. Even though this challenge has been in place for a few weeks now, it does not necessarily mean you should feel like you're used to the routine. In the spirit of doing our best to assist our community, we have put together some ideas to help you continue to manage everyone working, and (hopefully) learning from home over the next little while...

Home Schooling

Family wellbeing

Beyond Blue have put together some tips for looking after your family’s mental health while self-isolating. Especially important are:

  • Staying connected with friends, family and colleagues.

  • Establishing regular routines and trying to eat and sleep well.

  • Maintaining physical activity.

  • Reminding yourself that this is a temporary situation.

Establishing a dedicated workspace

If you have the space, try converting a living area as the work space where everyone has their work station with clear expectations. Making the kid’s home learning space in the same room as yours, means you can keep an eye out, between your work, to make sure they are doing theirs. In this workspace you might try to all use headphones so you do not distract one another. You don’t have to go out and buy a new set, make do with a pair that came with your latest phone or tablet purchase.

Set expectations

Set clear expectations and boundaries around working within a shared space, and being respectful of others. Then if anyone needs a rest break, they can leave the space and get the required fresh air and body movements the family needs. When your kids get stuck and don’t know what to do, set expectations about what they would normally do in the classroom. Most teachers have a “three before me” rule to manage the class. What expectations can you come up with, with your child, to manage when they need help and you cannot give it to them? Supporting children with learning difficulties this next term may require some trial and error. If your child requires greater supervision and help with their learning, you could trial starting your work day earlier to free up time to help your child. The Department of Education has developed a resource for parents supporting children with additional needs at home you may find useful. Contact your child’s school for advice on how to support your child’s specific learning needs from home.

Timetables and visual schedules

Make a timetable for your child to follow with specific timeframes. This can be written, or electronic, like using the ChoiceWorks App we suggested in our last update.

Extra resources

If you find your child has extra time at the end of their online learning day, please reach out to us, or call Kristina on 0422 667 596. We may be able to provide you with activities, worksheets or games to support your child’s progress toward their speech and language goals. Kristina’s background is in education, and she can provide catered strategies to help manage your child’s home learning.

Be open in communication

Being open with your children gives them permission to talk about how they are feeling, and allows more opportunities to problem solve daily challenges that arise. This is new for everyone - communicate with your child and explain how you can learn to work together and problem solve as a family. You may find you need to schedule time out for everyone, or periods of time when mum/dad are not available for questions. Together, as a family, you can work out what works best for you.

Problem solve enough technology to go round

Some families are finding they don’t have enough tablets, computers or laptops for all children to access school and parents to still be able to work.

  • For private families, try asking your child’s school (or extended family members) if your child can borrow a tablet/iPad to access their classes.

  • For NDIS families, the NDIA have recently announce Participants CAN buy a smart device with the NDIS funds if they need it for support while we are all in lockdown. Click here for further details of what is allowed.

Additional resources

The ‘Family Lockdown’ Facebook Page has some great ideas for this once in a lifetime experience, like making a COVID-19 time capsule.

Happy Mother's Day!

With Mother's Day approaching this Sunday May 10th, we would like to thank all our mum's, and the commitment you make to our families. We are cheering you on and wish you all a great day!

Telehealth reimbursements

Some Private Health Funds have announced that customers who have 'extras cover' for speech pathology will be able to make a claim for speech pathology services delivered via telehealth. Check with your fund to find out what is possible. Families with a GP "Chronic Disease Management Plan" can also use these plans via telehealth. NDIS participants may use their 'Core Supports' funding to purchase an iPad, tablet, laptop or similar device, where:

  • They do not already have a similar device; and

  • They need it to support / continue their therapy

At this time, NDIS funding may not be used to pay for internet connections or data usage for devices.

Thank you for understanding

Aurora Speech Pathology Services would like to thank you for your flexibility and understanding throughout these rapidly changing circumstances. We appreciate your understanding and support as we transition our families to home visits or telehealth appointments and continue our daily routines as best as we can.

Contact Us

If you would like more information, please let us know. Call Kristina on 0422 667 596 or email

Copyright © 2020, Aurora Family Health, All rights reserved.

Aurora Speech Pathology Services Suite 4, 609 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills, VIC 3127 Australia



Suite 1, 333 Canterbury Rd

Canterbury, VIC, 3126, Australia


(03) 9830 7539


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